Anitha Krishnan Pandarathodiyil
Faculty of Dentistry, SEGi University & Colleges
Title: Adjunctive Diagnostic Techniques as Screening Tools for Oral Premalignant and Malignant Conditions
Biography: Anitha Krishnan Pandarathodiyil
It is one of the major objec􀆟 ves of the WHO to reduce
the burden of oral cancer globally by iden􀆟 fying
preven􀆟 on and early detec􀆟 on of oral cancer. Visual
examina􀆟 on of the mouth is s􀆟 ll largely used for
screening of oral premalignant and malignant lesions.
However, simple visual examina􀆟 on has its limita􀆟 ons
in rare occurrences when dysplasias or early oral
squamous cell carcinomas occur in normal-looking
oral mucosa. To assist in these situa􀆟 ons adjunc􀆟 ve
techniques have been developed and suggested to
increase our ability to diff eren􀆟 ate between benign and
malignant oral lesions. Some of these techniques are
the usage of 􀆟 ssue autofl uorescence, toluidine blue,
brush biopsy and chemiluminescence. This guest lecture
will focus on these adjunc􀆟 ve techniques with a note on
their advantages and disadvantages.