Biography: Ahmed Saad
Smile Makeover between art and science (indirect
restora􀆟 ons from A to Z in full steps and details)
for diffi cult and challenging cases in our daily work
denô€†Ÿ stry” Nowadays, most of the peoples seeking
for white teeth but why?? Because the white teeth
mean healthy teeth, the pa􀆟 ent appear younger
and also increase the confi dence of the person. So
its important to diff eren􀆟 ate between fake white
and naturel white teeth to off er the best results to
our pa􀆟 ent and to draw the correct treatment plan
to pa􀆟 ent and also its necessary to know the pa􀆟 ent
demand that play major factor in our treatment. We
will discus the pa􀆟 ent need and how to diagnose
and treat the case by digital approach, DSD and
mo􀆟 va􀆟 onal mock-up before touching the natural
teeth, criteria of minimal invasive prepara􀆟 on of
the teeth, most accurate impression techniques and
fi nally the cementa􀆟 on protocol of fi xed prosthesis
either crowns or veneers.