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Senouci Bereksi Fatima Zohra

Senouci Bereksi Fatima Zohra

Conservative Dentistry and Endodontic Service, Algeria

Title: Clinical Applications of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in endodontics


Biography: Senouci Bereksi Fatima Zohra


MTA® is currently considered to be the gold
standard of endodon􀆟 c repair cements, which
has been clinically and radiologically sa􀆟 sfactory
and has greatly a􀆩 ributed to postopera􀆟 ve bone
and mucosal healing. The objec􀆟 ve of this work is
to review the clinical and radiological eff ec􀆟 veness
of MTA® in relaô€†Ÿ on to its applicaô€†Ÿ on in diff erent
clinical protocols. In the conserva􀆟 ve den􀆟 stry and
endodon􀆟 c department of Tlemcen (Algeria), fi ve
pa􀆟 ents with diff erent pathologies were treated.
MTA® has been used in fi ve operaô€†Ÿ ve protocols:
apexifi ca􀆟 on, treatment of external root resorp􀆟 ons,
repairing of root perfora􀆟 ons, apical root fractures
and retrograde root canal fi llings. Our therapeu􀆟 c
strategy was fi rst to achieve a water􀆟 ght seal by
placing an MTA® apical barrier, which will secondly
induce the mineraliza􀆟 on processes. Our clinical
trials show high success rates achieved with MTA®,
especially in apical surgery, apart from some
diffi culty in handling and stability of the MTA® felt
by the operator. The MTA® is therefore considered
a poten􀆟 ally alterna􀆟 ve material to other materials
used in our endodon􀆟 c service.