Ali Nankali
Clinical Senior Lecturer
Centre of Teaching and Innovation Barts and the London Medical and Dental School
Dr Ali Nankali is a clinical Lecturer in Oral Adult Health in the Barts and the London Medical and Dental School. In 1998, he took a keen interest in restorative dentistry which led him to commence his extensive research on application of post and cores. Following his research, he proposed to the scientific board of the Orthopaedic and Implant department of the NMU a number of novel inventions including Nankali Post System, Nankali bur as well as new classifications for Post/Core and Masticatory force. Dr Nankali was awarded his PhD in 2004 by National Medical University (NMU) in Kiev, Ukraine where he registered as a specialist / consultant in Prosthodontics. Furthermore, his engineering background in addition to his prosthetics and Maxillofacial clinical experiences helped him in achieving ground-breaking outcomes on his researches related to distribution of masticatory force and mechanical strength of teeth's hard tissues that brought him to the attention of the scientific community. At his current position, Dr Nankali is involved with undergraduate, postgraduate students as well as regularly running CPD and other courses.
Research Interest