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Erika Wichro

Erika Wichro

Geneva University, Switzerland


Dr. Erika Wichro is an Austrian Medical Doctor, Public Health Expert and Humanitarian Emergency & Development (SDGs) Consultant
with over 15 years of na􀆟 onal and interna􀆟 onal clinical, medical and public health work experience in several programs of diff erent
countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey for Syria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Zambia, the Pacifi c region and Austria
for WHO and other organiza􀆟 ons. Her capaci􀆟 es span across several sectors including management, economics, research, bioethics,
interna􀆟 onal law, training, and more. She also served as a consultant in various capaci􀆟 es across the globe and is part of the trained
expert pool of the European Union Civil Protec􀆟 on mechanism. Dr. Wichro is a trainer in the Course of Nego􀆟 a􀆟 on and Decision-Making
and the High-Level Coordina􀆟 on. She recently published on the psychosocial care needs in Syria in the August 2018 edi􀆟 on of
the Crisis Response Journal. She is passionate about linking academics, policy-making, management and fi eld opera􀆟 ons through
consul􀆟 ng services to strengthening communi􀆟 es` mul􀆟 -disciplinary capabili􀆟 es and resilience.


Abstract : Current challenges in dental public health and the (un)beneficial cutback of funding