Augusto Andre BAPTISTA
Baptista Dental Group, Luxembourg
Title: Dynamic Scalable Therapeutic Gradient (DST Gradient) applied to a dental agenesis clinical case
Biography: Augusto Andre BAPTISTA
In modern den􀆟 stry we need to take care of our
pa􀆟 ents thinking in the evolu􀆟 on of our treatments
during the 􀆟 me. Aesthe􀆟 c is no more an op􀆟 on
but need to be performed by a minimally invasive,
func􀆟 onal and biomime􀆟 c way taking into account of
the a long term period of life of our pa􀆟 ents. To reach
this goal we need guide lines.
This clinical case shows an example of the applica􀆟 on
of the dynamic scalable therapeu􀆟 c gradient (DST
gradient ©) and shows a minimally invasive way
to restore the aesthe􀆟 c and func􀆟 on of a mul􀆟 ple
dental agenesis in the anterior zone of the maxilla
in a young pa􀆟 ent a􀅌 er an orthodon􀆟 c treatment.
Everything performed without implants, bone
gra􀅌 ing and heavy gingival gra􀅌 therapies. We have
only used two E-max can􀆟 lever bridges with one
wing each, bonding on 11 and 21 to replace the two
lateral incisors and some so􀅌 gingival surgeries like
pinhole technique and so􀅌 gingival management by