Augusto Andre BAPTISTA
Baptista Dental Group, Luxembourg
Dr. Augusto Andre BAPTISTA, PhD of Oral and Dental Surgery from Faculty of Nancy. Master’s degree in biomedical research. Former
chief resident of Oral Surgery in Nancy University Hospital. Postgraduate degree in Surgical Odontology, Aesthe􀆟 cs, Periodontology
and Prosthesis. Creator & founder of the BAPTISTA DENTAL GROUP Clinic, he prac􀆟 ces Oral and Implant Surgery as well as Cosme􀆟 c
Odontology in Luxembourg. His areas of exper􀆟 se are complex global oral treatments, with a biomime􀆟 c, minimally invasive and
aesthe􀆟 c approach. To his credit: many na􀆟 onal and interna􀆟 onal publica􀆟 ons.
Abstract : Dynamic Scalable Therapeutic Gradient (DST Gradient) applied to a dental agenesis clinical case